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How to use our Docker images

Servers backed by Docker images have the advantage that:

  • If they work on our machine, they will probably work on your machine
    • Docker makes us easier to ship working versions of the server
    • Docker makes you easier to configure the servers through the unified interface it provides

As of yet, the easiest and most reliable way to install anki-sync-server is probably to use one of our Docker images.

You can grab an image from Projects.

Installation of Docker

Please refer to the tutorial on the installation Docker's manual to get started.

It is quite easy to get started on Linux

On a GNU/Linux distribution you can usually find Docker in the default package manager. Install the appropriate package and activate the service.

From now on we're assuming that you have installed Docker successfully to your machine.

An example of installation anki-sync-server

This is a general quick tutorial for Docker

The images we provide usually have special instructions. Please refer to the README of the appropriate repository. We are going to set up an instance of anki-sync-server here, but you can apply the instructions to any image.

One-time setup

If you only want to see the server in action the quickest way possible in an ad-hoc manner, you can start an instance it right now.

  1. Create a directory to persist the server data (such as your collections)
  2. Start a temporary container
# substitute $PERSISTENCE_DIR and $DOCKER_IMAGE accordingly, for example:
# export PERSISTENCE_DIR=/home/kuklinistvan/anki-sync-server-persistence/
# export DOCKER_IMAGE=kuklinistvan/anki-sync-server:latest

Select your own image

Do not copy DOCKER_IMAGE from here, as this is just an example. Grab the identifier of the image you wish to use from Projects.

docker run -it \
       --mount type=bind,source="$PERSISTENCE_DIR",target=/app/data \
       -p 27701:27701 \
       --name anki-container \
       --rm \
Argument Explanation
--mount type=bind,source="$PERSISTENCE_DIR",target=/app/data Mounts the persistence into the container, such that the instance can write data into it.
-p 27701:27701 Opens a port on all of the network interfaces of host machine. First number: port number on the host machine (feel free to change it), second: the port of the server that runs in the container (fixed, you don't need to worry about it).
--rm Remove the container after the execution is done. Note that it does not remove the $PERSISTENCE_DIR.
$DOCKER_IMAGE The unique identifier of the image. Get it from Projects.
--name An arbitrary name to reference the container instance later.
-it Run in foreground (see the Docker reference for the exact meaning)

On Linux, you can interrupt this instance anytime by hitting Ctrl+C. You can restart the server with the same command.

Permanent server setup

If you are satisfied with the result you can make the service start at boot by modifying some of the flags.

Old flags New flags Comment
-it -itd Run in background (Docker reference)
--rm Do not remove the container if it has crashed. This gives you a chance to inspect it after it has stopped if something has gone wrong.
--restart always Restart the image automatically if it has stopped. (Docker reference)

The new version in the above example would look as follows:

docker run -itd \
   --mount type=bind,source="$PERSISTENCE_DIR",target=/app/data \
   -p "$HOST_PORT":27701 \
   --name anki-container \
   --restart always \

As long as the Docker service starts at boot, you can set and forget the server that way.

Permanent server setup using Docker-compose

Sometimes it is easier save the configuration and make it more readable with docker-compose.

In this setup, you would create an empty directory with a docker-compose.yml similar to the one below. Please modify <SUBSTITUTE_$DOCKER_IMAGE_HERE> accordingly.

version: "3"

        container_name: anki-container

        restart: always
        - "27701:27701"
        - data:/app/data


When you're done, open up a terminal in that directory and control the instance with the commands below:

Command Explanation
docker compose up Run the configuration in the foreground (interrupt with Ctrl+C on Linux)
docker compose up -d Run the configuration in the background. Set and forget. It is going to start at system boot from now on.
docker compose stop Stop the server.
docker compose down -v Destroy the instance along with the persistent data directory! This removes your collections! You may run this if you wish to start over or purge the server completely.

Please refer to the Docker guides for a more accurate reference of the commands and the arguments.

Accessing the container - administering the server

The server has a command line administration interface, that you can access from a shell in your container. Provided that you did not alter the name attribute, your container should be named anki-container.


You can check the name of the container with docker ps.

You can access a shell in it while the container is running.

docker exec -it anki-container sh

In the case of anki-sync-server, you can access the admin CLI:

/app/anki-sync-server # ./ --help
usage: ./ <command> [<args>]

adduser <username> - add a new user
deluser <username> - delete a user
lsuser             - list users
passwd <username>  - change password of a user


Be warned that if you don't use any additional proxies, your connection will be unencrypted! That means if you use Anki to memorize your passwords they will be leaked :)

Please don't do that though, as Anki is not designed in mind for safely handling risky data, such as passwords, in the first place.

Please refer to one of the solutions at the Encryption section.


Pull requests are welcome!

If you encounter an error which is not listed here but you think it would be worth mentioning the solution, we are happy to accept your pull request to the repository of this portal.

exec format error

Please refer to this guide.